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Blauwe Gebogen Buizen

Hire Educated & Hardworking Employees
While Saving 60-70% on Costs

No Upfront Costs & No Placement Fees

Nice words from our clients

Owner Real Estate Business

"As the team pays a lot of attention to details I always get the result I aim for and on top cut our staff cost in half."

Owner Fitness Brand

"They have changed the game for me, hiring on a new team member in two weeks."

Fijne stof

The hiring challenges businesses face today

Increasingly Expensive

Hiring full time employees has become super expensive. Not only have salaries gone up, you are also required to fulfill many legally required benefits, such as healthcare, leave, insurance,... that add up to a staggering amount of money and leave your pockets empty

Questionable Work Ethic

During the interview process, many SMEs fail to distinguish between a "good interviewer" and a "good candidate". There is many people who know exactly what to say, but when it comes to getting the work done they fail to deliver. Failing to hire people with the right work ethic has become a real business risk.

Remote Working - I want to, but how?

For many SMEs hiring remote workers is unexplored territory. Business owners are aware of the opportunity but don't have the time to figure out how to set it up, where to start looking for candidates and how to qualify them.

Blauwe Gebogen Buizen
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Our remote
hires are the top 2%

Flexible to work during your business hours

Whether your business operates in US, EU or ASIA-PACIFIC time zones, we will find a qualified remote worker for your working hours

Proficient in English

We only hire workers with a high level of English to make sure they can clearly communicate and collaborate with all levels in your business

Loyal and hard working

We only hire workers with the right mind-set. We focus a lot on motivation, reliability and experience in the interview process to make sure the workers will fit in well with your business environment

Self dependent

All our remote workers have their own equipment. No hassle with shipping out laptops, just connect them to your internal tooling systems and you are ready to go. They need no handholding, and can work indepentently.

Easy to pay by card

No need to set-up a payroll for our remote workers. We manage all international transactions, currency conversions, and additional related matters

The benefits oF 

Our goal is to unburden you throughout the whole process. We take care of the hiring, the project planning, the training, the payroll and day-to-day management of the virtual employees.


You hand off the hiring process to us and we take care of it from A-Z, so you can spend time on revenue driving initiatives.

Save up to 60-70% in staff cost

  • Transparent pricing structure, no hidden fees

  • No legally required benefits such as; health insurance, severance, leave,..

  • Plans starting from 1500 euro/dollar per month

Flexible onboarding & off-boarding process

  • Find a qualified Virtual Employee in 2 weeks based on your criteria

  • Easy to upscale and downscale your virtual team based on workload

  • Cancel contract in 30 days

Your own dedicated management team

  • Our Team Managers manage your virtual employees on a day-to-day basis

  • Our Project Managers create a deep understand of your task to be done, build a custom training plan, work it out into the finest details and train the other team members on how to execute

Highly trained & rigorously selected candidates

  • Specifically trained for your tasks and business needs

  • Pre-qualified Virtual Employees, tested on important pillars such as; language, communication skills, work ethics, logical thinking, and more

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"We have been able to cut overhead costs by 70% and that does not include the time I save."

​CEO Service Desk Agency

"We started off with 1 virtual employee and have 5 now, which says a lot on it's own."

Owner E-commerce Store

"I save 50% in time and money because of the virtual assistant compared to normal staff."

CEO Chemistry Business

The jobs we take care off

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  • Executive & Personal Assistants

  • Administrative Assistant

  • Sales Support

  • Customer Support

  • Website Design

  • Social Media Management

  • Media Buying (FB, Google ads, etc...)

  • Project Manager

  • Customer Support

  • Video and short form editing

  • And much more... talk to us about the possibilties

Fijne stof

Our Process at 

Our Virtual Employees are sourced across the globe and belong to the top 2% of talent. They are highly skilled, work across different time-zones and are here to support you with any type of task or job. 
Our process follows four easy steps.



Intake Conversation

During the intake conversation we discuss the types of jobs you would like to outsource and what type of Virtual Employee we think would be the best fit for the tasks.



Based on the job description and requirements discussed in the intake process, we start recruiting and interviewing Virtual Employees. The Virtual Employees who qualify have to complete a rigorous 4-step interview process, in which we test them on variety of important pillars such as; communication skills, logical thinking, work ethics and more. Within two weeks we have a qualified Virtual Employee for your specific job. 




Our Project Manager will work closely with you and/or your team, to make sure we fully understand the operational details of the jobs at hand. He works out an in-depth training so everyone is on the same page of what is expected.
We will also take care of the day-to-day management of the Virtual Employee.



After the initial training period you’ll start to notice the benefits of having contracted Hire Virtual First. Tedious tasks that normally took up a lot of your or your teams' time, are now done before you wake up. 


Josefine - Virtual Assistant

“When I started I knew nothing about E-commerce but Tom, the project manager, taught me everything. He is great to work with and we trust each other. It's also fun while you're learning. The team are ready to help you grow and increase your knowledge. I am very proud to be part of the company!."
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About us 

We help companies big and small with outsourcing jobs and tasks that can be executed online. We are a boutique player in the Business Process Outsourcing space (BPO) that takes pride in the highly tailored service we provide for our customers. 


Our story started when we were looking to outsource tasks to a Virtual Employee for our own business. We had a 7-figure e-commerce store that relied heavily on repetitive and tedious tasks that required a lot of attention to detail. All of these tasks we were handling by ourselves. We noticed that the heavy day-to-day operational work was limiting us to think strategically and make bigger long-term growth plans. 


In order to further grow and scale the business, we needed to outsource these tasks so we could free up our time and re-focus on the things that generated revenue. Having heard people talking about virtual employees, and the benefits they provide for their businesses got us excited, but where to start? There were many uncertainties; where do we find qualified people? If we find qualified people, how do we interview them? When we hire them, how do we onboard them, how do we pay them? The list of questions was daunting and endless.


Going in, we wanted to make sure that this was going to work for us long-term, so we dedicated a lot of time to research and talked to people with experience in the field, so we could get a good understanding of how we would set ourselves up for success. The process took time, patience, several of bad hires, and refinement, but we are at a place where we have nailed down the process and we are able to continuously recruit successful and high potential virtual employees, of which we have 5 working for ourselves, full time. 


Having had this first hand experience, where we saw the massive growth in our business after starting to work with Virtual Employees, we knew this was something other businesses and entrepreneurs would massively benefit from as well. This is where the idea for Hire Virtual First started developing. We started talking to business owners in our direct environment and understood that the challenges they face in terms of a reliable workforce are more multifaceted than we could have imagined.


Today we successfully help our loyal customers all over the world and in various industries overcome all kinds of struggles related to employing and managing a workforce. When you start working with us, struggling to find qualified employees, high costs including legally required benefits, competitive salaries, time-consuming training and management, low flexibility when it comes to on-boarding and off-boarding employees, low quality work, ... all become issues from the past. 


If you get excited about the possibility of freeing-up your time, about paying less for better quality work, about waking up in the morning and seeing your inbox cleared out already,... you might want to talk to us. 

We would love to hear what we can do for you! 


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